Being The Pace Car Podcast
Being The Pace Car Podcast is about holding the strongest vibration, so YOU are the one setting the pace… and others around you are rising to it!
Popular Episodes
Being the Pace Car in the Bedroom Pt. 1
What does it mean to be a functional leader in the bedroom? How can you broach delicate subjects with your partner? What’s the cost to yourself and the relationship if you fail to effectively communicate your needs? You’ll find the answers to all of thse question and more!
Being the Pace Car in the Bedroom Pt. 2
The coaches explore the difference between functional and dysfunctional communication in the bedroom, the effects it has on relationships, and ways to move into a higher vibration so you are setting the pace.
Being the Pace Car
From the boardroom to the bedroom, in your community or on the global stage, at home or in public, it has never been more important for conscious people to rise up and take the helm. During these uncertain times, people are struggling to hold it all together. That's why we need conscious creators like you to step in and help guide those who are struggling into a higher more conscious vibration that will not only serve them but will serve everyone they interact with. Packed full of useful information, this podcast series will provide listeners with innovative tools, powerful insights, and effective structures that will help them lead into a vibration that helps them thrive.