At Creative Self-Mastery,
we show you that it’s the structure you are in that keeps you stuck or oscillating back and forth from having to not having, what you want. We show you how to choose a structure that allows you to move toward the experience you want to have. Coaching creates a safe and unique container in which to teach you to change your structure.
The Creative structure is simple, but not easy.
Structurally, when you choose an experience you’d love to have, all of your resistance to the change that experience will bring with it, raises its ugly head. Your current identity (whom you believe yourself to be) begins to tell you all the reasons why you can’t have what you want. Fear arises, self-doubt arises. You begin to consciously or unconsciously, tell yourself all the reasons why you can’t have or don’t deserve what you want. And after a while of living with this resistance, you give into your ego’s machinations and you quit going for that experience you so desperately wanted. That’s why it is important to have a coach.
Everyone needs a coach.
Even the world’s most successful coaches have coaches because they know how sneaky the identity is. We must allow ourselves to let go of our old identity …to let go of the ‘self’ that no longer serves. And from there, with our focus on our authentic self, choose the experience we would love to have. By doing this, we are raising our vibration to match the vibration of the experience we are choosing to have.
If we currently live in the identity of someone who ‘lacks’ what they want, we will not experience abundance through wishing it to come to us or through affirmations. You’ve tried those and they don’t work.
We need to shift the structure we are in. And for that, we need a coach because we are changing our orientation towards life.
We are looking at the belief systems that have run our life up until this point and we are looking at all the decisions we have made up to this point that have landed us in the exact place we are in right now. There is no blame or shame. It is not personal even though it feels like it is. We are in the situations we are in because of the way we have structured our life and structure is not personal. Even success is not personal. It is structural.
What People Are Saying:
“In just over a year I have come such a long way in both my personal life and my career. As a creative, I have found a way to be freer than I ever thought possible.”
— Kate, London UK
“I now see and believe that I can create anything I want, and I’m proving that to myself on a regular basis. I’m learning to step out of my own way by transforming the belief systems that have kept me feeling powerless and victimized my entire life.”
— Jonah, Birmingham AL
“I’ve made numerous breakthroughs and I’ve learned so much about how to be the predominant creative force in my own life. Having a coach is the missing piece you can’t get in books or seminars.”
— Eric, Boise ID
Coaching Menu
Work with Marc
One year commitment, pay in full.
2 hours every other week
Work with an Executive Coach
2 sessions a month
2 hours a session
finance for $18,000
Work with a Lead Coach
2 sessions a month
2 hours a session
finance for $12,000